My role as the educator is to utilize technology to increase student engagement. Most of the students in my program lack interest in school, find it boring, and do not want to be there. I constantly try to utilize technology as a "hook" to spark an interest or get a student to think critically about a topic. The role of the educator within my vision of technology is someone who uses technology to motivate and excite students. In a recent speech, 2009 Teacher of the Year, Anthony Mullen discuses the two major challenges with educating today's at risk youth:
1) They feel no one cares about them
2) They are bored
Having worked with this population of students for the past five years, I confirm, that Mullen's statement is spot on. In order to reach these students, an educator must first get to know them, and know their story. Only once an adolescent feels safe and comfortable, will they be able to learn. Even after a rapport is established, students frequently complain of being bored in the classroom. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the question, "when will I ever use this in life?", I would no longer have to teach. Technology can help to bring classrooms to life. For example, if a geometry class is learning about the Pythagorean Theorem, the teacher can pull up videos or graphics of how this theory is applied when building a porch,
or figuring out how much mulch you need to fill a garden.
Technology can be integrated into the classroom to reach out to students and give them multiple ways to complete an assignment. For example, if students need to do a project on a famous battle of World War II, they can use technology to create an interactive project with video links, interesting graphics, and amazing multimedia effects. In my experiences, I have seen how these types of assignments really get students excited and motivated to learn more. Giving these students a poster-board and some scissors is much less engaging than opening up the gates of technology and allowing them to unleash their inner creativity.
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Technology can be integrated into the classroom to reach out to students and give them multiple ways to complete an assignment. For example, if students need to do a project on a famous battle of World War II, they can use technology to create an interactive project with video links, interesting graphics, and amazing multimedia effects. In my experiences, I have seen how these types of assignments really get students excited and motivated to learn more. Giving these students a poster-board and some scissors is much less engaging than opening up the gates of technology and allowing them to unleash their inner creativity.
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to students demonstrating knowledge through project-based learning, technology provides opportunities for all students. Using technology helps to even the playing field, regardless of a student's learning style. For example, by showing visual aids such as graphics and videos, teachers are able to get through to visual learners who may have difficulty with oral processing. Teachers can also provide choices of various types of assignments that students can complete based on their individual learning style. These choices may include a traditional paper/essay, some type of speech or oral assignment, and another option to complete a PowerPoint or web-based presentation. By providing various choices, teachers are reaching out to all types of learners regardless of their ability or learning style.
Works Cited
"A Digital Classroom." YouTube. YouTube, 09 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.
"SMART Speaker Series - Engaging At-Risk Students with Classroom Technology." YouTube. YouTube, 02 May 2011. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.
Hi Brian … I very much agree with your point that we as teachers to work on actively engaging students with technology. I also love what you said about boredom in the education as well… why do we think that having them sit down and listen to a lecture would be anywhere as effective as giving them something do?! Personally, I am not a fan of smart boards. I know people use them but I feel like they only do one thing. I get that people who want to get students up and going could utilize them, they just lack the variety that a personal device would give. But I digress… Great post Brian!