Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hoop Dreams - Student Artifact

Background: The documentary Hoop Dreams, directed by Steve James, follows two inner-city youth from their early teens, into their high school years, and beyond.  On the surface, the film appears to be about basketball and two young men trying to become the next NBA superstar.  Throughout the film, the two main characters, Arthur Agee and William Gates encounter many obstacles they must overcome in order to achieve their dreams of basketball stardom.

Main idea: Although the film appears to be about basketball, the main idea of the documentary is to show the struggle of life in the inner-city compared to in the suburbs.

Supporting Details:
  • Both Arthur and William grow up in the Cabrini Green housing projects in Chicago, Illinois. 
  • The two boys are basketball prodigies and are recruited to play high school basketball at St. Joe's, a catholic school, in the suburbs of Chicago.  
  • During their freshman year at St. Joe's, Arthur struggles in basketball and does not progress as quickly as the coaches would like.  William excels and is a varsity starter as a freshman.  
  • Arthur's father is sent to jail on drug charges.  His mother loses her job and is no longer able to pay the tuition to send him to St. Joe's.  Arthur ultimately has to leave St. Joe's at the end of the school year and attend public school back in Chicago.
  • William is given financial aid to help pay his tuition.  
  • While in public school, Arthur begins to struggle academically and behaviorally.  
  • At St. Joe's, William has access to quality teachers and tutorial support. 
  • Classes in the Chicago public school are very large and teachers appear to have a lack of control over the classroom. 
  • William's classes at St. Joe's are small and the students are very well behaved.  
  • During their sophomore and junior years, Arthur continues to struggle in basketball while William excels, until a knee injury forces him to sit out the remainder of the year.  
  • During his junior year, despite fathering a child as teen, William still has the support of his teachers and coaches at St. Joe's.
  • Arthur's father continues to go in and out of jail as well as his life.  
  • Arthur has to attend summer school to make up for failed classes.
  • William has tutors provided to him to help increase his SAT scores, so he is eligible to play division I basketball in college. 
  • Despite always having the cards stacked against him, Arthur ends up excelling in basketball during his senior year and leads his team to the state championship game.  
  • William struggles on and off with his re-occuring knee injury his senior year, but is able to increase his SAT scores to become eligible to play division I basketball.  
  • Both boys go on to play basketball in college.  William, who had gone to St. Joe's all 4 years, goes to Marquette on a full scholarship, while Arthur, who went to public school, goes to a smaller community college. 

Works Cited 

Hoop Dreams. Dir. Steve James. Karetemquin Films, 1994, Film.  

Hoop Dreams Lesson

EDU533HoopDreamsLessonPlan (1) by blynch81

Hoop Dreams Assignment Sheet by blynch81

Hoop Dreams Teacher and Student Evaluation by blynch81

Graphic Organizer - Sample by blynch81

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Utilizing Technology in the Classroom

In a recent interview with Mr. Scott Szuksta of Alvirne High school, we discussed his utilization of technology within his various levels of social studies classes.  

Mr. Szuksta is a social studies teacher who currently teaches World History, American History, and US Government.  His students range from freshmen to seniors, and his class levels include Workshop, A/B level, and Advanced Placement.  Mr. Szuksta is a well respected teacher by students and staff alike.  He is often the source of advisement for technological assistance among staff members.  Mr. Szuksta utilizes technology in his classroom on a daily basis and also facilitates the students' use of technology in their projects and assignments.

Using technology in the classroom:
Mr. Szuksta uses technology to accomplish four main goals:
 1) Increase student engagement
 2) Encourage group participation
 3) Provide frequent interaction and feedback
 4) Provide a connection to real world experts 

Tools used on a regular basis:
1) Google Drive - allows for access to files anywhere with internet access, great tool for collaboration, and FREE with Google account!
2) Poll Everywhere - allows teachers to poll students by using any mobile device.  Results can be easily graphed and shared with the class to provide immediate feedback.

3) Socrative - gives teachers the chance to prompt students with questions and have students respond via a  mobile device.  Teachers can create a variety of exercises including, exit tickets, quizzes and games.  The data from the results is automatically calculated and charted.
4) Turning Point - "clicker" software that allows for student polling.  Students do not need their own personal device, only the provided clicker.
5) Edmodo - allows student and teachers to connect and share ideas via an appropriate social networking tool.  This site is set up much like a Facebook page, so students enjoy using it.

6) Quizlet- promotes student learning outside of the traditional classroom setting.  Teachers can create study materials and games for students to practice outside of school.
7) Google Sites - easy way for teachers or students to create web pages.  Websites can be designed for specific classes where students can access and post information.

Benefits of using technology in the classroom

Using a wide variety of technological tools in the classroom provides students with a more interactive learning environment.  By putting information out there in ways that they are used to getting it at home, they are more engaged and willing to participate.  The tools also provide quick and accurate data analysis that can be used for visual diagrams, charts, and graphs.

Incorporating technology into project based assessments

In addition to the above tools Mr. Szuksta uses on a regular basis, he also tries to incorporate technology "options" within his project based assessments.  Often when a large project is assigned, students are given choices of how they will present their work.  For example, when his students complete their final project for Animal Farm, some students present by creating a poem or song, some do a PowerPoint presentation, and some create their own movies summarizing the book.  By doing this, he is creating  an environment that is accommodating for all learning styles.  

Negative aspects of using technology

Alvirne does not have consistent wireless capabilities throughout the building, making some of the web-based tools difficult to use at times.  There are Chromebook carts that have wireless "hotspots" attached to them; however, they are not always available for use.  Also, when using tools that require students to have a personal device such as a laptop or a cell phone, there are often students who do not have access to these items.

Moving forward 

The technological infrastructure is a hot topic of conversation between administration and the school board.  As a district, we are currently trying to address many of these issues to install more up to date technology within the building.  Once this is updated, teachers will have more access to technological tools within their classroom.  Mr. Szuksta has given multiple trainings on technology implementation during teacher workshop days.  These trainings are well attended and very beneficial to teachers looking to incorporate technology in the classroom.    

Monday, May 5, 2014

Growing Up in a Digital World

The two documentaries, Growing Up in a Digital World and Digital Nation explore the realities of teenagers growing up in today's digital society.  Both films look at the positive and negative aspects of the internet and how it is being used by America's youth.  I found both films very interesting and thought provoking.  Here are some of my reflections on the films:

Your thoughts on multitasking.  Do you agree? Can you multitask? Do you disagree?

Multitasking is an important skill to have in today's fast paced society.  Certain things need to get done quickly and efficiently.  With the advances in modern technology, people have come to expect things immediately and are unhappy when they are forced to wait.  With that said, I also feel there are certain situations that require people to sit and focus on a specific task, to complete it properly.  The distractable nature of multitasking can often lead to careless mistakes and a poor quality product.  In my experiences, less important tasks such as  simple emails to colleagues and messages to friends can be done while multitasking; however, things that require more concentration, such as developing a resume or cover letter, need to be done without distractions.  

Is there an addiction happening in society today with technology or is it just a new way of living?

Yes, I do feel there is a real addiction happening in society with technology.  Working in a high school, I
have seen students break down in tears because they've had their phones taken away.  For them, the thought of just going for a few hours without their phones or internet is unbearable.  In my opinion,  these students, as well as many adults, are addicted to technology.  It is sad to think that their lives are so dictated by things on a screen, instead of real-life relationships and experiences.    From Facebook, to cell phones, to video games, our society is clearly losing touch with the human experience, through the constant use of technology.

Do video games serve a purpose in education or are they just a waste of time?

I think video games can serve as a supplemental tool for education.  They are useful for drilling and practicing things such as math facts and vocabulary.  They can also be used for reinforcing  material presented in class. Video games can engage students;
however, I do not feel that they should be the sole source of instruction.  Games also need to be closely monitored to see what the game is supposedly teaching.  I frequently find students in my class, claiming to be playing an educational game, when they are just messing around on the computer.

Do parents of today have any idea what their kids are doing online?  Whose job is it to teach them internet safety and digital responsibility? Parents/teachers/community/government?

I do not think that most parents know what their kids are doing online.  Like the films showed, the students are much more tech savvy than their parents.  Even when a parent tries to restrict their child's access, the child can often find a way around these restrictions, that the parent doesn't know about.  Because the children are often more knowledgeable about technology, they may feel it is their "right" to be able to do whatever they want on the internet.  In order to effectively teach internet safety and digital responsibility, there needs to be a combined effort from teachers, community members, and especially the parents.  Parents need to be knowledgeable about what their children are doing online and set guidelines.  If the children violate the parameters, there needs to be strict consequences around this.  Teachers and community members will have no impact on students unless there is support from the parents at home.

What are your overall feelings about the films?

I experienced a lot of mixed emotions while watching the films.  As someone who truly enjoys technology and has since a very young age, I can see its benefits in life as well as education.  Despite this, there were several points during the movie that made me a little unsettled.  For example, when the student was talking about "being too busy" to read a book, I was very frustrated.  This is when I think that technology is dumbing down society.  When people feel they are too busy because they have to update their Facebook or sit around playing video games, I do get agitated.  Students in my class will spend several hours a night playing Call of Duty or Skyrim, but they won't even take 30 minutes to read a book or do anything to better themselves physically or mentally.  I feel that much of this is the parents responsibility to deal with at home.  If your child is playing video games all night and getting D's and F's on his or her report card, there needs to be consequences at home.  Perhaps this is just my skewed opinion, but I really feel that parents need to be much more involved with their children's use of technology.

Overall, I think technology can be a great tool in  education and society.  However, I think we all can benefit from taking a step back from technology for a little while and appreciate the world and the people around us.